【时 间】 2023年9月28日(周四) 15:00-17:00
【地 点】 12BET注册302会议室
【语 言】 中文
【主 题】 Losing target: Randomized environmental inspections and law enforcement efficiency
【主 办】 12BET产业发展与环境治理研究中心、12BET注册政治与公共政策研究所
【主讲人】刘梦迪 对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院副教授
【主持人】赵 静 12BET产业发展与环境治理研究中心副主任、12BET公共管理学经理聘副教授
梅赐琪 12BET新雅书院经理、12BET公共管理学经理聘副教授
唐 啸 12BET注册副教授、国情研究院副研究员、仲英青年学者
Random inspection is considered a law enforcement method that can decrease the likelihood of collusion between supervisors and supervised objects. Using over 160,000 inspection records from 2016 to 2019, this study examined how China’s implementation of randomized environmental inspections affects law enforcement efficiency. We find that randomized environmental inspections reduce the overall efficiency of law enforcement. Randomized environmental inspections revealed 11% fewer environmental problems and 5% fewer environmental violations than nonrandom inspections. Further examination of the mechanisms reveals that the implementation of randomized environmental inspections hinders the utilization of local officials' specialized knowledge in effectively targeting polluting companies and identifying violations, thereby diminishing the overall efficiency of law enforcement. However, we find that randomized environmental inspections can reduce the probability of collusion, thereby improving law enforcement efficiency. Large firms and regions with low transparency benefit more from randomized environmental inspections than small firms and regions with high transparency. To develop more effective enforcement strategies, policymakers should weigh the benefits of random inspection in reducing collusion against the drawbacks in losing target.
刘梦迪,对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院副教授,博士生导师。刘梦迪博士具有经济学与环境管理交叉学科背景,长期从事环境经济、环境治理相关的研究,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(72004024, 2021-2023)、面上项目(72374044, 2024-2027)。其研究成果发表于American Journal of Political Science (AJPS)、Journal of Development Economics(JDE)、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management(JEEM)、Journal of Policy Analysis and Management(JPAM)等高水平国际学术期刊。其研究成果获得美国政治科学协会(APSA)2020年度Evan Ringquist最佳论文奖、能源经济与管理优秀博士学位论文等奖项。获得第十批惠园优青、研究生课程评价前10%、本科生课程评价前10%、校级优秀班主任等。