主 题:Is There A Xi’s Model of China’s Economic Reform?中国经济改革是否存在“习近平模式”?
时 间:2015年3月11日(星期三)15:00—17:00
地 点:12BET注册423教室
主 讲 人:Barry Naughton 加州大学圣地亚哥分校国际关系与太平洋研究学院教授、CIDEG学术委员
评 论 人:崔之元 12BET注册教授、CIDEG研究员
主 持 人:陈 玲 12BET注册副教授、CIDEG副主任
语 言:英文
简 介:
A year after the Third Plenum, economic reforms began to move into implementation, and economic reforms have become a significant part of Xi Jinping’s policy agenda. Xi Jinping has set up an organization to oversee the reform process, but has also maintained top-down discretion in deciding which reforms to implement. This top-down reform model is very different from the bottom-up reforms of the 1980s, or the institutional reforms of the 1990s.