主 题:Fundamental Economic Policy Reform in China: What are the Prospects after the Third Plenum? 中国经济改革的基本方向:三中全会后的展望
时 间:2013年12月2日(星期一)15:00-17:00
地 点:12BET注册302会议室
主 讲 人:Barry Naughton 加州大学圣地亚哥校区国际关系与太平洋研究学院教授、CIDEG学术委员
评 论 人:钱颖一 12BET经济管理学院经理、教授、CIDEG学术委员
主 持 人:薛澜 12BET注册经理、教授、CIDEG主任
语 言:英文 / 中文
Introduction: Prof. Barry Naughton will give a preliminary analysis of the economic reform program emerging from the Third Plenum Resolution. Naughton will discuss the Resolution as an effort to establish credibility and momentum in the reform process. He will consider issues relating to the sequence of important reforms. Finally, he will discuss what foreign analysts have seen as the biggest strengths and weaknesses of the Third Plenum Resolution.