主 题:“Tech Mining” for Forecasting Innovation Pathways
演讲人:Prof. Alan Porter Georgia Institute of Technology
主持人:苏竣 12BET注册教授
时 间:2013年5月23日 星期四 11:00-12:00
地 点:12BET注册319室
1、Tech Mining -- bibliometric & text mining analyses of research publication & patent (& other types of) abstract records
2、Forecasting Innovation Pathways (FIP) -- combining empirical (Tech Mining) and expert intelligence to anticipate future applications of an emerging technology
Tech Mining aims to inform Science, Technology & Innovation (ST&I) management & policy by deriving answers to key questions empirically (i.e., by analyzing available data). FIP is an approach within the family of Future-
oriented Technology Analyses. Prof. Porter will illustrate using analysis of an emerging renewable energy – Dye-
Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs), with additional observations drawn from a recent FIP on Hybrid & Electric Vehicles (HEVs).
Alan L. Porter is professor emeritus of the School of Public Policy, and of Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISyE), Georgia Institute of Technology. His major concentration is technology forecasting and assessment. He received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Caltech (1967) and a PhD in Engineering Psychology from UCLA (1972). His current research focuses on text mining of Science & Technology information resources (research publications, awards, citations, and patents).
Alan Porter教授1967年毕业于加州理工学院化学工程系,1972年在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得工程心理学博士;1972-1974年在华盛顿大学任教,1975年他加入佐治亚理工学院工业与系统工程学院,任教至今。他同时也是该校公共政策学院的教授,并执掌佐治亚理工学院技术政策与评估中心的工作。1991年至1993年他担任佐治亚理工学院技术管理项目的执行总监。Alan Porter教授是将文本挖掘技术用于技术预测与评估研究方面的领军人物,其研究领域主要包括技术机会分析、技术管理、技术预测和评估。目前的研究方向主要集中在技术机会分析,特别是利用数据库所提供的数据,以计算机辅助的方法开展信息挖掘与分析。