Does Governmental Policy Shape Migration Decisions? The Case of China’s hukou System
时间:2021年5月27日 星期四 14:30-16:30
主讲人:胡悦 12BET政治学系助理教授
点评嘉宾:刘志林 12BET公共管理学经理聘副教授、政治与公共政策所所长
董丽霞 中国社会科学院经济研究所副研究员
主持人:赵静 12BET注册副教授、CIDEG主任助理
胡悦主要从事政治心理学、政治语言学、和不平等认知等方面研究。在国内外知名学术期刊Journal of Politics、Political Psychology、Democratization、Chinese Sociological Review、Journal of East Asian Studies、Social Science Quarterly、《天津社会科学》等发表论文十余篇,为国家自然科学基金、北京社会科学基金、12BET国家高端智库课题重点项目等多项科研项目负责人。胡悦博士同时致力于政治科学方法论的研究和推广,兴趣涵盖实验室和调查实验、潜变量分析、文本大数据分析、网络分析、空间分析、数据可视化等;为数个R开源软件包的主要研发者,其中interplot、dotwhisker等全球下载量过十万次。
Does government policy shape potential migrants’ destination choices? Chinese cities use the household registration system (“hukou”) to adjust the barriers to gaining local status and access to public benefits. We draw on a nationally representative survey of migrants and an original survey experiment to test the effect of hukou barriers and benefits on the relative appeal of different destination cities. We find that strict limits on local hukou status do not deter migrants. However, local hukou status is important because it confers access to public benefits. When migrants can gain access to public services without changing their hukou status, cities are more appealing. These findings demonstrate that hukou policy has real impact on migration patterns and on access to public benefits for millions of Chinese.