ESI高被引论文(Highly Cited Papers)指发表在最近10~11年根据同年同ESI学科统计被引用次数进入前1%的论文。ESI数据库每两个月更新一次。
1 陈济冬、刘志林
题名:Government responsiveness and public acceptance of big-data technology in urban governance: Evidence from China during the COVID-19 pandemic
作者:Yue Guo, Jidong Chen, Zhilin Liu
出处:《Cities, Volume 122, March 2022》
The COVID-19 global pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges to nations and cities worldwide. Governments have adopted Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to rapidly control the spread of a novel coronavirus. As an innovative but controversial ICT-based tool, health QR code plays a vital role by assisting rapid contact tracing. Yet, whether and how citizens accept this policy tool remains an unknown theoretical and empirical question. In this paper, we study the sources that determine citizens' acceptance of health QR code in city governance. Based on a nation-wide online survey covering 28 major provincial-capital cities in China, we find that individual experiences and political identities affect citizens' acceptance of QR code. Even though public opinion regarding this issue is diverse, the government's responses to citizens' requests play a critical role in enhancing their acceptance of using QR code both in the current and future stages. Specifically, as the citizens perceive a higher level of city government responsiveness, they are less worried about privacy leaks and more likely to perceive the effectiveness of health QR code in improving public health, thus resulting in a higher acceptance. The results offer broad policy implications for smart cities and urban governance.
2 高雨辰
题名:Blockchain application and collaborative innovation in the manufacturing industry: Based on the perspective of social trust
作者:Yinglin Wan, Yuchen Gao, Yimei Hu
出处:《Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 177, April 2022》
We use Chinese A-share listed firms from the manufacturing industry during 2016–2019 to examine the impact of social trust and blockchain application on firms’ collaborative innovation. The results reveal that social trust among acquaintances and social trust among strangers have heterogeneous impacts on corporate collaborative innovation: Trust in strangers promotes firms’ collaborative innovation more than trust in acquaintances. We then analyze the external governance effects of blockchain applications, including the direct impact of blockchain applications on firms’ collaborative innovation, and the indirect impact of blockchain applications on the relationship between social trust and corporate collaborative innovation. We find that blockchain application enhances collaborative innovation and strengthens the positive impact of social trust on collaborative innovation. These results indicate that the application of blockchain technology improves the performances of firms’ collaborative innovation. It is therefore advisable for firms and governments to construct an ecosystem to facilitate the application of blockchain technologies.
3 王亚华
题名:The innovation effect of administrative hierarchy on intercity connection: The machine learning of twin cities
作者:Ji Luo, Yahua Wang, Guangqin Li
出处:《Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, Volume 8, Issue 1, January–March 2023》
Do cities with higher administrative hierarchies always enjoy higher intercity connections? Based on an innovation of twin cities (Chengdu-Chongqing) in China, this paper uses machine learning methods (linear model, support vector machines, neural network and random forest) to predict the innovation effect of a new administrative hierarchy on intercity connections. The key findings indicate the following. (1) The innovation effect of administrative hierarchy on intercity connections is asymmetric in twin cities. (2) For the city with a later-higher administrative hierarchy (LHC, Chongqing in this case), the innovation effect of the administrative hierarchy on intercity connections is initially negative (approximately 10 years for Chongqing) and then becomes positive. (3) For the city with an initially higher administrative hierarchy (IHC, Chengdu in this case), the innovation effect is continually positive. (4) The underlying mechanism of the reverse trend for LHC is due to more financial independence, investment in transportation infrastructure and less transaction cost of market access associated with the new administrative hierarchy, which have an innovative effect after a time lag (approximately 10 years for Chongqing). (5) However, IHC enjoys a continual net-positive innovation effect on the intercity connection due to its first-mover advantage on administrative hierarchy and the diffusion effect of LHC. These findings shed light on practical implications that for intercity connections, the primary concern and dominant strategy of innovation is cooperation with the trickle-down rather than the siphon effect. We should tailor different intercity connection strategies for the separate cities in a twin-city pair. This can provide new contributions to the innovation of intercity connections only if the twin cities see one another politically as “siblings” rather than as a “divorced couple”.
4 周源、季桓永
题名:How Can Government Promote Technology Diffusion in Manufacturing Paradigm Shift? Evidence From China
作者:Guannan Xu; Yuan Zhou; Huanyong Ji
出处:《IEEE transactions on engineering management, Volume 70, Issue 4, April 2023》
Traditional technology diffusion literature focuses on the diffusion of technologies within the extant manufacturing paradigm. By contrast, few studies have explored the determinants and mechanisms of technology diffusion when moving across manufacturing paradigms. In this article, therefore, we aim to explore the intrinsic and institutional factors, as well as the impact mechanism on technology diffusion in the context of manufacturing paradigm shift. Specifically, this article investigates the role of the government in this scenario. A firm-level survey is conducted to investigate the National Programme “Made in China 2025” and its first demonstration city Quanzhou. The data comes from multiple sources, including questionnaires, official statistics data, and patent databases. Logistical regression is used to analyze 236 valid observations. Results reveal that besides the intrinsic factors including the characteristics of general purpose technology (GPT) and economic expectation, GPT-oriented service platforms also have significant impacts on technology diffusion in a manufacturing paradigm shift. In addition, government interventions, especially indirect ones, have significant moderating effects on this influential mechanism. This study provides insight into how government can promote technology diffusion in a manufacturing paradigm shift. These results will be of interest to policy makers, industrialists, and academics.
5 唐祎祺
题名:China’s pathways to peak carbon emissions: New insights from various industrial sectors
作者:Kai Fang, Chenglin Li, Yiqi Tang, Jianjian He, Junnian Song
出处:《Applied Energy, Volume 306, Part A, 15 January 2022》
To maintain global warming below 2 °C, as per the Paris Agreement, China should stop its energy-related carbon emissions from increasing by 2030. Given the dominating role of industrial-specific emissions in the national emissions inventory, exploring the potential peaking pathways of emissions in China’s diverse industrial sectors is necessary. By accounting for the emissions from China’s eight sectors over the past 23 years, this study examines the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis for the eight sectors using both regression analysis and Monte Carlo simulation. We found that seven out of the eight sectors are expected to reach their peak emissions before 2040, despite continued economic growth. Specifically, emissions from the Agriculture, Building, Manufacturing, Others, and Transportation sectors are highly likely to peak before 2030, while those from the Electricity and Mining sectors may peak after 2030. Our findings, which provide a deeper understanding of China’s potential peaking pathways at the sectoral level, can serve as a reference for other countries that are facing similar difficulties in identifying the appropriate ways of peaking sectoral emissions; this is currently a neglected field of analysis in many Nationally Determined Contributions.
6 张瑾
题名:Impact of virtual water export on water resource security associated with the energy and food bases in Northeast China
作者:Shibao Lu, Xiao Bai, Jin Zhang, Jinkai Li, Wei Li, Ji Lin
出处:《Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 180, July 2022》
The production and consumption of grain and energy need physical water resources which causes the virtual water circulation. The recycling of water requires energy, and the food production is associated with the consumption of biomass energy, which competes with the energy production for water. This paper uses the water footprint of food production and Water pressure index corrected to calculate Production and transfer of food and energy in Northeast China. The results show that the energy water footprint of the Northeast region was 4.3 × 108 m3 In 2000, it reached a maximum value of 4.39×108 m3 in 2012, and whereafter the energy water footprint fell to only 3.73×108 m3 in 2015. In Northeast China, more water is embedded in the outflow of food and in the inflow of energy. In 2000, the energy water footprint outflow was 1.54×108 m3, and the energy water footprint inflow in 2015 reached 1.89×108 m3. With the expansion of the food and energy production in Northeast China, water resources stress continues to rise. Except for Liaoning Province, the water resources pressure indices of Heilongjiang Province and Jilin Province are much higher than the national average.
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