Doctor of Philosophy in Social Policy (Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford);
Master of Science in Public Policy and Administration (Research) (Department of Government, London School of Economics and Political Science);
Bachelor of Management in Urban Economics (Yuanpei College, Peking University)
【Course taught】
Sociology II (PhD program)
Qualitative Research Methods II (PhD program)
Comparative Public Policy (PhD program)
Sociology and Social Policy (taught in English, MID/SDG program)
Social Research Methods (taught in English, Schwarzman Scholars program)
【Work experience】
Assistant Professor at School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, since 2015
2018, the 10th anniversary of Journal of Public Administration and the 3rd Youth Scholars Forum, Best Paper Award
2018, Annual Excellent Faculty at School of Public Policy and Management
2018, Youth Teachers Teaching Skill Contest of Tsinghua University, 2nd Award (attend Beijing Teaching Skill Contest representing Tsinghua University)
2016, Zhongying Youth Scholar
Ke Meng, 2019, China's Pension Reforms: Political Institutions, Skill Formation, and Pension Policy in China, Routledge.
Journal Articles
1. Political Economy
- Ke Meng, “The Great Transformation of the Double Movement: Specific Skilled Workers, Selective Immigration Policy and the Rise of Populist Parties in Contemporary West”, Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2018(6), pp.167-183. (蒙克,2018,《“双重运动”的大转型:专用型技能劳工,选择性移民政策和民粹主义政党的崛起》,《12BET学报(哲学社会科学版)》第6期)
- Xiaoyang Wang and Ke Meng, “The Rise, Development and Establishment of Western Financial Geography”, Economic Geography, 2019(3), pp.12-19. (王晓阳、蒙克,2019,《西方金融地理学的兴起、发展和学科地位的建立》,《经济地理》第3期)
- Zheng Ling and Ke Meng, “Skill Specifity and Voting Behavior—A Case Study in Taiwan”, Taiwan Research Journal, 2018(6), 1-10. (凌争、蒙克,2018,《技能专有性与投票行为:基于中国台湾地区的研究》,《台湾研究集刊》第6期)
- Ke Meng, “Reversal of the Employment-Fertility Relationship and the Rise of Dual-Earner Family Policy: Implications for China’s Family Policy in the Two-Child Era”, Sociological Studies, 2017(5), pp.218-241. (蒙克,2017,《“就业—生育”关系转变和双薪型家庭政策的兴起:以发达国家经验看我国“二孩”时代家庭政策》,《社会学研究》第5期)
- Ke Meng, “Skill Specificity, the Welfare State, and Europeanization: the Political Economy of Brexit”, World Economics and Politics, 2016(9), pp.123-160.(蒙克,2016,《技能专有性,福利国家和欧洲一体化:脱欧的政治经济学》,《世界经济与政治》第9期)
- Ke Meng, “Varieties of Capitalism and Public Policy Analysis”, China Public Administration Review, 2017(3), pp.2-17. (蒙克,2017,《资本主义多样性与公共政策研究》,《公共管理评论》第3期)
2. International Relations
- He Xiao and Ke Meng, “Asymmetric Competition Strategy in Thucydides’ Trap”, Quarterly Journal of International Politics, 2019(1), pp.19-52. (肖河、蒙克,2019,《“修昔底德陷阱”中的不对称竞争战略》,《国际政治科学》第1期。)
- Ke Meng, “Beyond the Reversed Second Image: Interstate War, Social Mobility and The Military Origins of The Welfare State”, World Economics and Politics, 2018(7), pp.92-121. (蒙克,2018,《超越反转的第二意象——国家间战争、个体社会流动和福利国家的军事起源》,《世界经济与政治》第7期)
- Ke Meng, “Sino-US Conflicts and Thucydides’ Trap”, Beijing Cultural Review, 2018(6), pp.112-118. (蒙克,2018,《中美摩擦与修昔底德陷阱》,《文化纵横》第12期。)
3. Social Policy and Public Policy
- Yu Cao, Ke Meng (corresponding author) et al., “From Decentralization to Integration: The Development of Social Welfare Services for Disabled Veterans in China”, Disability & Society, 2019(1), pp.1-6. (SSCI, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2019.1604352).
- Ke Meng and Peijie Wang, “Paradigm Transformation of Policy Science: From Classical Policy Science to Behavioral Policy Science”, Chinese Public Policy Review, 2019(?), pp.??. (蒙克、汪佩洁,2019,《政策科学的范式转移:从经典政策科学到行为政策科学》,《中国公共政策评论》第15卷。)
- Ke Meng, “From Welfare State to Welfare System: Implications for Social Policy Innovation in China”, Social Sciences in Guangdong, 2018(4), pp.236-247. (蒙克,2018,《从福利国家到福利体系:对中国社会政策创新的启示》,《广东社会科学》第4期)
- Ke Meng and Ran Hua, “Social Security Burdens and Economic Development: Evidence from Postwar Global Economic Growth”, China Public Administration Review, 2018(3), pp.50-76. (蒙克、华冉,2018,《社保负担与经济发展:来自战后全球经济增长的证据》,《公共管理评论》第3期。)
- Ke Meng and Peijie Wang, “The Social Policy Approach to Social Governance: A Review of Social Policy and Social Governance”, Journal of Public Administration, 2018(5), pp.171-181. (蒙克、汪佩洁,2018,《以社会政策为中心的社会治理体系》,《公共行政评论》第5期。)
- Ke Meng, “Industrial Policies and Economic Institutions: Implications for China’s Industrial Policymaking”, China Public Administration Review, 2016(2), pp.20-25. (蒙克,2016,《产业政策应该跟随经济制度:兼论中国产业政策向何处去》,《公共管理评论》第2期)
- Ke Meng, “Complementarity Between Social Policy and Immigration Policy: A Political Economy Explanation of the European Refugee Crisis”, China Public Administration Review, 2015(3), pp.3-14. (蒙克,2015,《社会政策和移民政策的互补性:一个对2015年欧洲难民危机的政治经济学解释》,《公共管理评论》第3期)
- Ke Meng and Peijie Wang, “Facing New Challenges and Continuously Making New Progress of High-Quality Development”, People’s Daily, Apr 8, 2018. (蒙克、汪佩洁,2018,《应对新考验,不断取得高质量发展新进展》,《人民日报?观察版》2018年4月8日)
- Ke Meng, “The Coordinated Interaction between Social Protection and Economic Growth”, People’s Daily, Mar 28, 2017. (蒙克,2017,《促进社会保障与经济发展良性互动》,《人民日报·理论版》2017年3月28日)